Friday, July 25, 2014

Feature & Follow Friday


What is your favorite tv series that you can watch over and over again on Netflix? 

Oh, Netflix. How I love thee. I have quite a few shows that I can watch over and over again. This show isn't on Netflix, but I have to mention it because I binge watch it all the time. My first love will always be Will & Grace. I quote Karen Walker daily. My best friend and I can have a whole conversation just using Will & Grace quotes.

I can also rewatch Doctor Who at any time. I will probably binge watch it again before the new season comes out. Other binge worthy shows are Battlestar Galactica, Lost, Buffy the Vampire Slayer,  X-Files, and Warehouse 13. 

Leave a comment below! Thanks for reading.

Make sure to head to our host's sites @ Parajunkee and @Alison Can Read to join the blog hop.


  1. I rarely watch tv series so I haven't watched this yet.
    MY FF

    By the way, I'm a new follower
    Christine @ Bibliophilic Madness

  2. Oh God! Karen! Grace always got on my nerves, but Karen was my fave sit com character for a while

    Thanks for stopping by If These Books Could Talk.
    New follower via bloglovin

  3. I used to watch Will & Grace religiously when it was on, loved it... so funny!

    New FB liker, Twitter and Bloglovin follower

    Thea @ Gizzimomo's Book Shelf

    1. Well, I would've been an FB liker but your link is broken :(

    2. sorry about the FB link I just changed the name of my blog and I forgot to update my new FB. It is updated now.

  4. I know I'm a little late, but here I am! I never got into Will and Grace, but I know a lot of people who did. New follower on Twitter and Bloglovin!

    Tracy @ Cornerfolds
